Selasa, 26 Februari 2013


(The Effect Of  Intrinsic Factors On Farmers Motivation In Breeding Sheep In Purwodadi Village, Tegalrejo District, Magelang Regency)

M. Damiri*


The success of business areas of livestock including sheep farming is not only determined by technical aspects of sheep farming, but also including psychological aspects of the breeder. Farmers are not enough to just understand the problem of raising sheep. One of the critical success factors of poultry farms as productive business activities is available on self-motivation of farmers.
The experiment was conducted in the village of Purwodadi, Tegalrejo district, Magelang regency. The population of goats in the village of Purwodadi by monograph report in March 2011 is as many as 229 individuals.  Sheep in village Purwodadi consists of various levels of age and experience of raising sheep varies. Assessment methods used for data collection was purposive sampling method with the number  of respondents 30 persons  sheep breeder, the instrument used is a guide interviews and analysis of data using multiple regression analysis.  Data were processed with SPSS software 15.
The average age was 42 years, the average farming experience was 11.07 years and the average value of motivation is 48.60. The value of R indicates that the age and breeding experience affect 58.1% of the motivation of farmers in the sheep business. From the ANOVA tables, a significance value of 0.004a (P<0 .01="" 0.516x="" a="" age="" and="" coefficient="" equation="" experience="" from="" influence="" mean="" motivation="" obtained="" of="" on="" raising="" sheep.="" significant="" span="" table="" the="" this="" very="" y="1.301">1 + 0.244 X2 + 0.7118. The significance of age on motivation is 0.001 (P<0 .01="" 0.084="" age="" effect="" experience="" is="" mean="" means="" motivation.="" motivation="" no="" of="" on="" significance="" significant="" span="" that="" the="" very="">

Keywords: motivation, age, experience, sheep
*Staff Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian Magelang

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(The Study of Seller Characteristics on Egg Quality of Layer which marketed in District of Magelang)

B.P.Widiarso, Y.R.Kusuma, M.Damiri*


The research is aimed to know the seller characteristic like knowledgw, attitude, skill on layer egg quality which marketed by seller in Magelang.The matter of research were questioner, layer egg, paper, writing tools. The sample were taken purposively in traditional market of 21 subdistrict.The data was analyzed by one shoot case study to know seller characteristic on layer egg quality. The respondence were given by quetioner to answer.The questioner evaluated by likert analyze using T-O formula.(suryabrata,2005).To know the factors which effect seller characteristic on egg quality was analyzed by linear regression with formula : Y = ao+b1X1 +b2X2+b3X3+ b4X4 +A.To continue the analyzes if there were significant differences in the factor22 use F analyze.
The result of the research described that the knowledge aspect have 65,47 score that mean by the seller more less know about egg quality.The aspect of skill have score 51,77 that mean by the seller more less agree with egg grading, egg saving,egg treating, and egg transportation. In the skill aspect description that the seller have score 50,47.The score mean that the seller more less skillness in egg quality examination. There was a significant differences (P< 0,01) among seller old,education,selling time,and business scale on knowledge (R2=0,88 ), attitude (R20,882 and skill(R2=0,811).

Keywords :Seller, Characteristics,layer egg quality

*Staf Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian Magelang


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