Kamis, 03 Mei 2012
(Influence Of Changing Policy
To Small Farmer Houshold’s Economic Income In Arid Area Based Goat Fattening In
Borobudur District Magelng Regency)
Oleh :
Hadi Haryanto*
The aim of research was
understand influence of changing policy to small farmer housholds economic
income in arid area based goat fattening. Eighty three respondents were used in
this research with criteria having business goat fattening, dry land (tegalan)
and member of P-4K.The methods was survey and data analysis used simultaneous
equality with 22 equalities, 12 structural equality and 10 identity equality.
Number of variables is 43 variables, consist of 22 variables endogens and 21
variables exogen. The done of data used SAS version 6.12.The result of research
showed that farmer having the average dry land (tegal), pekarangan and number
of goat is 1.377 m2/family, 369 m2 and 3.86 head/family
produced income Rp. 921.090/family/year, most 58.99 % from non agriculural
business and the lowest from goat business is 9.72%. The product of tegal
influenced positively by anorganic fertilizer, organic ferilizer and land
(tegal). Net income pakarangan was influenced positively by land (pekarangan)
and gross income of goat was influenced positively by number of goat
positively, time of fattening and sale price.Policy combination of ascending
price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + add two goats, ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25%
+ subsidize education 100%, ascending
price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + ascending price the gasoline 25%, add two goats + subsidize education 100%,
add two goats + ascending price the gasoline 25%, ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25%
+ add two goats + subsidize education 100% and ascending price the anorganic
fertilizer 25% + add two goats + ascending price gasoline 25% would influence
to changing family income +62%; +18.06%;
+2.03%; +82.32%; +62.20%; +81.12% and +61.03%;
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(The influence of complete feed as Pennisetum
purpureum substitution
for sheep
production appearance)
A. Andiani Listyowati dan
The aim of this research
was to study how the influence of complete feed as substitution for sheep
production appearance. The object of this research were 18 local male sheep
live stock about 12 months old with body weight about 20±2kg, grass, complete
feed that was produced by feed processing unit STPP Magelang and drinking
water. The feed that was given did not beside of iso protein. The equipment that used were : individual cage, weight, machine sit for
livestock with 500 kg capacity, feed capacity weighing machine 5 kg, cage and
writing equipment.
This research was carried
out using complete random design contain 3 treatment and 6 restating. The treatment were: T1 : Pennisetum
purpureum 100% DM and complete feed 0% DM, T2 : Pennisetum purpureum
50% DM and complete feed 50% DM T3 : Pennisetum purpureum 0% DM and
complete feed 100% DM. The factor have
been experience were : dry material consumption (DMC), crude protein
consumption (CPC) and Average Daily Gain
(ADG). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) one way and
followed by Duncan
The result showed that
using complete feed as Pennisetum purpureum substitution had significant interaction with
dry basis consumption, crude protein consumption and average daily gain (ADG)
local male sheep (P<0,05). DM consumption in T1 treatment lower than DM
consumption at T2 and T3 treatment (P<0,05). DM consumption at T2 treatment (986,20 g/day) had the highest result (P<0,05).
Crude protein consumption at T2 (97,34 g/ day) was not different
with T3 (98,57 g/day), and both were higher than crude protein consumption at
T1 treatment (P<0,05). ADG at T1 treatment (38,29 g) lower than T2 treatment
(106,71 g) and T3 treatment (124,49 g), and ADG at T3 treatment was higher than
T2 (P<0,05).
The conclution was:
using complete feed with different
ratio, influence dry basis consumption, crude protein consumption and ADG local
male sheep. The giving of Pennisetum purpureum
as sheep mayor feed can be changed all with complete feed.
Keywords :
Complete feed , Pennisetum purpureum, Sheep
* Staf
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Rabu, 02 Mei 2012
(The Effect of Feed Bolied
on Performance of Limuosine Crossbreed Beef)
H Haryanto *
The aims of this research was to know the efeect of
concentrate feed boiled on performance of limousine crossbreed beef. The beefs
which taken as the sample were 24 heads with
weight was 400 to 500 kg. The experiment was carried out during 60 days
and the experiment method which used was
experiment design with two treatment and eight replications, they were T0
(without boiled treatment) and T1 (with boiled treatment). The feed
given were 20 kg/head/day of elephant grass and 10 kg/head/day of concentrate.
The observation variable was crude protein (CP) consumption, ADG and income.
The research result showed that CP concumption of T0
was 1.118 kg and T1 was 1.120 kg, ADG value of T1
was 1.33 kg higher than T0
was 0.79 kg and income of T1 was Rp.1.230.250 higher than T0
was Rp. 735.375. The sample t test result showed that CP consumpsion of T0
and T1 not significans (P=>0.05), ADG of T0 and T1
was significantly different(P<=0.05) and income of T0 and T1
was significantly different (P<=0.05).
The analysis result it concluded that T1
treatment can be practiced, because it was more profitable based on economic

* Staf pengajar Sekolah Tinggi
Penyuluhan Pertanian(STPP) Magelang
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