Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


(Influence Of Changing  Policy To Small Farmer Houshold’s Economic Income In Arid Area Based Goat Fattening In Borobudur District Magelng Regency)
Oleh :
Hadi Haryanto*


The aim of research was understand influence of changing policy to small farmer housholds economic income in arid area based goat fattening. Eighty three respondents were used in this research with criteria having business goat fattening, dry land (tegalan) and member of P-4K.The methods was survey and data analysis used simultaneous equality with 22 equalities, 12 structural equality and 10 identity equality. Number of variables is 43 variables, consist of 22 variables endogens and 21 variables exogen. The done of data used SAS version 6.12.The result of research showed that farmer having the average dry land (tegal), pekarangan and number of goat is 1.377 m2/family, 369 m2 and 3.86 head/family produced income Rp. 921.090/family/year, most 58.99 % from non agriculural business and the lowest from goat business is 9.72%. The product of tegal influenced positively by anorganic fertilizer, organic ferilizer and land (tegal). Net income pakarangan was influenced positively by land (pekarangan) and gross income of goat was influenced positively by number of goat positively, time of fattening and sale price.Policy combination of ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + add two goats,   ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + subsidize education 100%,  ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + ascending price the gasoline 25%,    add two goats + subsidize education 100%, add two goats + ascending price the gasoline 25%,   ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + add two goats + subsidize education 100% and ascending price the anorganic fertilizer 25% + add two goats + ascending price gasoline 25% would influence to changing family income +62%; +18.06%;  +2.03%; +82.32%; +62.20%; +81.12% and +61.03%;

Key Words: Policy, income

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