(The Effect of Feed Bolied
on Performance of Limuosine Crossbreed Beef)
H Haryanto *
The aims of this research was to know the efeect of
concentrate feed boiled on performance of limousine crossbreed beef. The beefs
which taken as the sample were 24 heads with
weight was 400 to 500 kg. The experiment was carried out during 60 days
and the experiment method which used was
experiment design with two treatment and eight replications, they were T0
(without boiled treatment) and T1 (with boiled treatment). The feed
given were 20 kg/head/day of elephant grass and 10 kg/head/day of concentrate.
The observation variable was crude protein (CP) consumption, ADG and income.
The research result showed that CP concumption of T0
was 1.118 kg and T1 was 1.120 kg, ADG value of T1
was 1.33 kg higher than T0
was 0.79 kg and income of T1 was Rp.1.230.250 higher than T0
was Rp. 735.375. The sample t test result showed that CP consumpsion of T0
and T1 not significans (P=>0.05), ADG of T0 and T1
was significantly different(P<=0.05) and income of T0 and T1
was significantly different (P<=0.05).
The analysis result it concluded that T1
treatment can be practiced, because it was more profitable based on economic

* Staf pengajar Sekolah Tinggi
Penyuluhan Pertanian(STPP) Magelang
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